Welcome to where the rubber meets the road… It’s ACTION time! Whether you are here to save the world or save yourself, you are at the right place! Click on each of the 9 steps below to begin learning how you can turn your dreams for your life into reality. Then, depending on your goals, decide which steps are most important to you and your future. Use these steps, specifically the ones that interest you, and start making your “Life Action Plan” that will lead to a fantastic future!
STEP 1: Career Options
Now take the clues you revealed in the questions you just answered and get to work matching your gifts with a career that will have you bouncing off the ceiling! Remind yourself of the themes and keyword clues that you discovered and put them to good use here. The following links will help you match your interests, talents and skills to a career that fits you like a glove!
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STEP 2: Research Colleges
Making the decision to attend college is huge. You may be moving away from home for the first time, living with total strangers, not to mention that suddenly you’re the only one responsible for getting yourself to those 8am classes. But simply deciding to attend college is just the tip of the iceberg. Where will you go? How will you decide which college is the best fit for you? What do you need to do to get accepted? Should you visit several campuses? We will help to get you started on the selection process.
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STEP 3: Gap Year Programs
Gap year programs are becoming increasingly popular for teens looking to deepen their awareness and find direction in their lives. We refer to them as a year “on” rather than a year “off” due to the many benefits. Click to find out more!
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STEP 4: Internships
An internship is one of the best ways to get your foot in the door of a chosen career. It will give you an inside look at your future occupation and will help you confirm (or not) that this is, in fact, how you want to spend your life. It is also an excellent way to develop workplace skills that may be new to you. In fact, employers are actually starting to expect that most candidates will have experience as an intern for those very reasons. Click below to find out more!
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STEP 5: Scholarships
It is unbelievable how many scholarships go un-awarded simply because students don’t know that they are available. Don’t let this be you! A scholarship is free money that you DON’T HAVE TO PAY BACK! Should I repeat that? You DON’T have to pay this money back!
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STEP 6: Apprenticeship
An apprenticeship is a combination of classroom instruction and on-the-job training that trains people for highly skilled occupations in a variety of fields including construction, manufacturing, healthcare, energy and technology. Apprentices are usually paid throughout their training and even get raises as their experience level increases.
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STEP 7: Start Your Own Business
For those of you who answered the “questions” and realized you were destined to own a business, this resource is for you! It includes a business start up guide, a marketing guide, how to write a business plan and funding ideas for your business. The world needs your ideas! Stop dreaming and start creating!!
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STEP 8: Build Your Personal Brand
It’s never too early to start building your own personal brand. You’ll be amazed at how much a future employer knows about you before even walking in the door. Almost everything you do has the potential to ruin a career, a promotion, a loan, even a life. Social media has taken our privacy and thrown it out the window. The sooner you understand that and behave accordingly, the better for your future. The following steps will help you begin to build your brand, even while you are still in High School!
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STEP 9: Record of Achievements
It’s never too early to start gathering examples of how wonderful you are! Most of us don’t think it’s important to save a “good job” letter or to document an award you get in High School, but chances are pretty good that you will eventually be asked to talk about your awards, achievements, honors and clubs. Your “Achievement” folder will come in handy when you are applying to colleges, applying for jobs, internships, and even when you are applying for a business loan with a bank.
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