What if your Life Direction clues indicate that you would be a great business owner? If you have an idea for a product or service and you don’t want to wait 4 years to get a business degree because you want to get going NOW, well, great! Find a need and fill it! Get out there and get it done. There is no minimum age for having a great idea, especially if you have an idea that will make the world a better place! We have a Business Startup Guide that will at least point you in the right direction. Then you can dive deeper into a solid business plan, marketing, and funding your vision. Check it out below and let’s see what you can do!

Business Startup Guide

Here you will find everything you need to know about starting a business. When you’re finished, you should know all the intricacies of your business, including, name, structure, funding, documentation, and much more! Download and print the link below to get yourself situated and organized. Once you’re done, continue on to the next page to begin your marketing journey.


Marketing Guide

Now that you’ve read the “Business Startup Guide”, it’s time to start thinking about marketing! We’ve broken it down in this section. Download and print the link below to educate yourself on all things marketing. Once your done, continue on to the next page to begin writing your business plan!


Writing Your Business Plan

Now that you’ve read all about marketing and have a good grasp on what’s needed to start a business, you’re ready to write your very own business plan. Download and print the link below to see what’s needed in a business plan. Then start writing your own, beginning with an outline. Once your done, continue below to begin the steps needed to fund your business and get started!


Funding Your Business Idea

Now that you’ve got a solid business plan and you’re ready to start, it’s time to find the money you need to move forward. Click the link below to get started and see all of the various ways to fund your business idea!

Get Started