You don’t have to be a straight A student to get a scholarship, nor do you have to be poor. Many organizations and individuals offer scholarships to college students of all backgrounds, income, GPA’s and career choices. Grants are another option. A grant is free money that does not need to be repaid and may be offered by the government, private foundations, businesses and other funding entities. The problem is that students do not know how to apply or even how to know what is available.
There are many sites available to match you to an appropriate scholarship or grant opportunity. Many will allow you to apply for numerous scholarships with just one application. Here are some to try! Click on the links to get started!
Fast Web
Fastweb is a subsidiary of Monster and hosts more than 1.5 million scholarships. The site itself is very well organized and makes it easy to find exactly what you are looking for.
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You may have heard of Chegg as an online textbook store, but they have now become a well rounded education resource. They recently acquired scholarship match service Zinch and now host scholarships totaling over 1 billion dollars.
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Niche is one of the easiest sites to navigate. It is neatly organized into categories that make it simple to find and apply for scholarships.
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Peterson’s has an impressive collection of scholarship awards ($10 Billion), in addition to the tools and tips that you need to start your search. Their search filters make navigation simple.
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Unigo is another scholarship finding site that has a user- friendly interface. It offers both profile based matching and easy to browse categories. This company also includes jobs and internships on their website.
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| has more than 2.7 million scholarships as well as grant opportunities worth more than $19 billion. It is one of the largest databases and is updated daily. You can browse by category or make a profile and just about everyone is bound to find something here.
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